America Fully Exposed
America is a cacophony of lies and deceit despite the rhetoric we’ve been bamboozled into believing all these years. It is literally a cesspool of everything that is evil about mankind. This nation was founded upon some of the most despicable evil acts known to our kind. The blood of the devil himself ekes from the carcasses of our dead founders. A nation that claims to be one nation under God with liberty and justice for all is anything but. And yet, it hasn’t one morsel of kindship to the living God in its soul. The demons want to hide their shameful history from the world. Good luck with that! Your dirt clearly illuminates as though it were shining through a glass house sitting on the top of the highest mountain fully exposed to anyone with eyes to see.

America’s last great white hope is to tell more lies on top of the ones already told hoping the truth would eventually fade away with time. Every lie coming for their demonic fork tongue continues to dig further down towards the pits of hell where God has stored its retribution. Not one stone in all of eternity will go unturned. In the orb of God, every soul will be exposed and laid bare before the Judge. There will be hell to pay for every act committed against His righteous requirements. Without repentance the wages are certain. This demonic unclean spirit will be fully exposed when the Father is ready to uplift the veil of Truth. God IS TRUTH!
Even death cannot spare those who participated in this travesty. You might wonder, when will the gammed fall? Who will be caught up in the snares of the evil lord? From the darkened graves their souls scream in horror as the doors of hell are fully exposed to them revealing what is coming. In death, they are hopeless to change what they did while alive with a chance to repent to the Father. An angel of mercy sits above the fray seeking one morsel of decency coming from their soul. Finding none they are lowered into the fiery sulfur pits where they will suffer throughout eternity. Even the Word that gave them life on earth cannot bare to witness the suffering of those whom He gave life and being. What a loss of living tissue! Better to have made a bug in their place.
“Trouble not your heart,” says the Lord. The Law of God is merciful to the merciless. For the sins of a father, untold generations shall pay for their crime. No one wants to see anyone suffer even by human standards. Do innocent children deserve an eye for what their ancestors did? Even though my ancestors suffered so greatly at the hands of wicked slave masters, I ask my Lord to show them mercy should they repent. Once they have been given to the Lord, I must leave them at His altar. I can’t help imagining the screams coming from their vacated graves.
Do you wonder if the seed of evil is so deep that it corrupts generations that would otherwise have been decent people? To live in a household that practices hate and evil corrupts the young fragile hearts of those whom Christ loves most, which are the children. Who will protect their souls? Are they destined to follow in the same footsteps? Do they know any other way? One must train up a child while they are young, so they do not depart as they grow older.
My Lord tells me: “But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and to pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”
What a tall order that is for my carnal mind. I know my heavenly Father makes his sun rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. Who am I to only accept half of what He requires of all His heavenly children? Should I not yield that would make me equal to my oppressors? Hate only begets more hate so therefore, I yield unconditionally!
It is hard to witness the depth of evil committed in very high places these days. You’d wonder what is gained from practicing hate. Many Americans claim to be followers of Christ and yet they hate their brothers and sisters of this land. Their tongue may claim one thing, but the heart cannot lie. The fruit coming from them reveals what is truly in their heart. Don’t they look at themselves in the mirror? Don’t their family members let them know this is wrong? Many were cautioned but do they listen? We do not wrestle only with flesh and blood but with rulers, powers, and great authorities from the dark side of the spiritual kingdom.
I pray that anyone reading this message that might be caught up in the snares of the evil one. I pray that they turn and face the Lord while He may be found. It is such a powerful force from which to break away. You must turn to an even higher power that is even greater than they are, which is fully contained in our Lord Christ Jesus. If only a few precious souls would turn and face the Lord all the angels in Heaven would rejoice. HALLELUJAH! That is my prayer and hope for those who are trapped by the snares of the evil ones… that the Lord reveals His Spirit to them so they would have the opportunity to know Him. I pray they are forgiven for the evil blood that runs through their veins.
Please forgive me my Lord for expressing the Vinum of anger erupting from my heart. My soul cannot take much more, or it will become just as corrupted with sin and evil. As I write this message, I should have prayed to You and opened my heart to receive Your healing words. I am vulnerable and have no power to move the mark one way or the other. Use this sinful vessel of mine to speak unto those you wish to reach. I will wait on the Lord to answer.
After waiting patiently for the Lord to guide me. This is what I heard.“But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that do you wrong, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he makes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.”
That was not the answer I was expecting. I see why my Lord tells us that our thoughts and ways are not like His. Again, as one who was on the bottom end of the malice, my carnal mind wants revenge. But, for what gain?
The Lord doesn’t want revenge, He wants saved souls. What can you do to lift up those who are drunken with evil? Can you not at least pray for them and wish them well? Why seek to harm the self-condemned? Did not someone pray for you to lift you out of your sinful evil ways? You must be willing to give what you seek to gain from the Lord. If you cannot forgive others, why seek the same from the Lord? Are you that much of a hypocrite? Check yourself, my Son. Please take the plank out of your eye before you come unto me seeking My grace and mercy.
Be careful what you ask of the Lord because it just might come back at you. The previous paragraph was directed at me. It may have covered some of you as well. It looks like most of us are still a project under construction. I know that to be true about me but that shouldn’t stop me from trying to be of service to others. As James, the brother of our Lord Christ Jesus said:
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.”
I can’t answer for you, but I consider it all joy the things I see the Lord working on in me. He is smoothing out my rough edges and humbling me where my ego is too large. It is difficult to be an effective tool for the Lord to use when you are too full of the self. Many times the Lord has to break us as one would a fine stallion that is used to roaming free on the prairie. Though it is still beautiful and a remarkable beast, once tamed it is capable of pleasing more than itself. Give yourself unto the Lord and remark with the new creation you become. To almighty God be the glory, Selah!