
Has Religion Killed GodThis is a book worth reading. It is a reality that you will find playing out even among our religious institutions today in almost all religions and among many religious organizations. A religion is not God. It’s a pholosophy constructed by mankind.

Speaks about living the Christian life according to our Lord Christ Jesus. It is about living a specific lifestyle rather than just claiming to be something. If you are truly a Christian you become a servant of the living God as well as an instrument that God can use to shine His light into the world. 

We ned to feed our spirit if it is to grow, mature and become complete according to what our Maker desires. The word of God is the food the soul requires. There are many scriptural passages that you will find filling for the soul.

In order to align yourself with your Maker, God, one must become a seeker. In this manner you attract that which you a seeking. Scripture tell us to seek and you shall find. This book speaks about how that is done.

Has Religion Killed GodThis is a book worth reading. It is a reality that you will find playing out even among our religious institutions today in almost all religions and among many religious organizations. A religion is not God. It’s a pholosophy constructed by mankind.